Today, my former batchmates in Med will be walking out of the Arch of the Centuries as part of the ritual of the Baccalaureate. God. Time flies so fast. I can't believe it's been 4 years since I was a part of the College of Science, 4bio1 our class was behind the Medicine graduating class. When they did a roll call for each college, "The Faculty of Medicine and Surgery"... and all the 400+ doctors were standing and cheering and jeering, and I was left in awe of their defeaning shouts as the students were growling proud.
And I said to myself, In 4 years, I'm gonna be there.
But today. This is the in-4-years-im-gonna-be here day. Unfortunately, I'm not part of the Quadricentennial Chorva Batch anymore. Not that being one makes me an extra special doctor and, really, not because you're graduating 2011, your diploma will glow and blink blink that number. It wont give you "extra powers of healing" if you graduated that year. But still, it hurts that Im not part of it anymore.
Man, time flies fast. Very fast. And in 4 years, I have grown a lot. I have a way higher tolerance to stress whether it's academic, physical and emotional. I see things now in a lot different light. I have levelled up on alcohol tolerance and written quite a lot of blogs. And you know what? A big part of what I am right now was because of the failures I had in the past. I learned how to suck it up, and fucking move on. I learned how be a Man. I was forced to adjust, to grow up, to evolve. That's because of the fast paced life that is Med, because of the demands and honor of the Fraternity, because of the Solace that DWTL brings me. There are a lot of times I question these mishaps, and it's good that I do. Because in the process of questioning, I discover a lot of answers that teach me to be better.
I remembered a speech that was said by Steve Jobs:
"you cannot connect the dots moving forward. you just have to move, and move on through life. And you have to believe in something: in God, or Love, or Karma, you gut, your destiny - whatever- as long as you believe in something. And those dots will connect one day and form a beautiful picture"
There are times that we wonder why some points from dot to dot would not connect. Sometimes, the dots really dont make sense. But I know, that if you just step out of it, and give it some time, you'll see how it's all planned out. Stepping out of it gives you perspective, in the right time, you'll see the bigger picture.
Part of that "Better Karl" is that im not writing hate and bitter blogs anymore. And this is definitely not a bitter blog because my friends are graduating, and I have to wait more for my turn. Because I know, I'll get that 'MD' attached to my name one day. Not this year, but I know I'll get there. And I'd still be their colleague. And they will refer patients to me. Paying Patients. :)
Vicky Belo was an irregular student in Med (rumor still yet to be confirmed). Steve Jobs was a College Dropout. Abraham Lincoln lost so many elections until he became president. Everyone's got their own story of setbacks, and failures, and trials.
This is mine, then so be it.
To my Graduating brods, Graduating Bio Friends, Graduating Subsecmates, Graduating Drinking mates, Graduating Classmates, and Graduating Strangers... Congratulations on your MD.
I'll get that one, myself, soon. In the mean time, kampay muna! Cheers.
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